Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sports Photography

I recently started shooting for the CSULB daily49er newspaper.  Shooting between classes is surprisingly exciting! I have also found a new appreciation for sports photography. Here are a few pics from BIOLA cross country and CSULB mens water polo. 
(Check out the daily49er website often, you may often see my photos displayed!!) xoxo

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dog Beach at Huntington

Lily, Lita, the dogs, & I had a blast at the Huntingtion dog beach .  Little Lily & both dogs slept the whole way home too...

Here are a few pics from the day! xoxo

Lily, dogs, beach... love!! :]

Sydney was eating her ice cream...


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


ApocoreTV productions is growing!  Subscribe to their youtube channel or visit the Apocore website.